Enlightened Earth Healing's Blog

Rejuvenate Yourself for a Happier, Healthier You

May 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Enlightened Earth Healing • Permalink

With everyone hustling and bustling around, it's easy to get caught up in the everyday distractions and chaos. Give yourself the TLC you deserve and rejuvenate yourself for a happier, healthier you. Neglecting to make the time to focus on yourself will not only be an obstacle to your own happiness and health, but it will also leave you feeling drained of energy and unbalanced.

Massage is a wonderful way to keep this balance and practice presence. It starts with taking time for yourself to breathe and relax, while smelling the healing oils and listening to the healing sounds around you. Touch gently forces you to be aware of the here and now -- and the release of tightness in the muscles causes a letting go that deepens the awareness of the present moment. You are able to leave your past tensions and step into a new fluid and open present. In this, anything is possible and you can move forward with positivity and focus.

Regular massage is a healthy discipline that gives way to greater fulfillment in life. Call to make an appointment and take advantage of the many benefits of massage. We look forward to seeing you shine.

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3 Tips for a Healthier Life

April 18th, 2014 • Posted by Enlightened Earth Healing • Permalink

The average life expectancy continues to grow. Right now, the average American will live 78.6 years. To hit that milestone, you’ll need to focus on a healthy lifestyle. While many health tips focus on diet, there are other aspects that contribute to the longevity of your life. Here are three pieces of advice that can improve your overall happiness and well-being:


You probably expected this to make the list of healthy tips, but the role exercise plays in one's health can't be overlooked. While following a regular exercise routine is best, any amount of exercise is helpful. It doesn't have to be a two-hour ordeal at the gym everyday. Finding time to take a walk two or three times a week is sufficient.

Have gratitude

A 115-year-old Japanese man named Jiroemon Kimura listed this as one of his tips for a healthier life. Research shows Kimura was on to something. When you show gratitude, your body releases serotonin and dopamine, two hormones associated with happiness and health.

Handle adversity in small steps

In a stressful situation people want to take care of it immediately, often taking on a bigger challenge than expected. Whether you're battling stress at work or in your personal life, research suggests working through problems little by little is the best way to prevent burnout.

We are here to take this journey with you. Contact us to schedule your next treatment toward better health.


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How Often Should You Get A Massage?

April 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Enlightened Earth Healing • Permalink

How frequently should you get a massage? It's a great question and the answer all depends on what you're getting a massage for. Message therapy has many applications. From pain management to stress relief, the reasons for a massage vary just as the frequency does. It's best to work out a treatment plan, but here are a few general rules of thumb to learn from.

Relaxation: 1-2 times a month

A deep tissue massage can wipe away the stress of long workdays, daily chores and hectic schedules. If you can swing in to receive a massage one to two times a month for a relaxing massage, you'll be in good shape. You should request an hour-long session. If you're having a particularly stressful month an additional session won't hurt.

Acute Injury: 2 times a week to start

A lot of athlete's battle acute injuries like a pulled or strained muscle. For this kind of injury you'll want to come in for a session twice a week, at least for the first week. That first week is all about reducing pain, but after that it's about healing. After one week it's likely the muscle is still injured so you should follow up with deep tissue massages once a week after the pain subsides. The deep tissue massage helps in the healing process and should be continued for two to three weeks.

Chronic Pain Management: 2 times a week to start

Massage therapy is a great way to deal with chronic pain, like headaches and back pain. When it comes to chronic pain, frequency varies from person to person. It really depends on the level of pain you're in. You can start out with twice a week sessions for a few weeks and then decrease your visits and see if your pain stays away in between appointments. If it does, you can space massages out more but if the pain persists, stick with twice a week for a bit longer.

Remember, chronic pain management is all about consistency. Each visit builds on the next and so on, so if you skip an appointment or only show up when you're in immense pain, you won't benefit from massage therapy.

We may want to try various kinds of massage to see which kind works best, so expect a period of adjustment if you're treating chronic pain with massage therapy. Once we have found the right technique and frequency the benefits can be substantial.

Other Treatments

Massage therapy is also used for workout recovery, depression and anxiety treatment and prenatal health. For the best advice on these uses or for more information about the benefits of massage, don't hesitate to ask.

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