Enlightened Earth Healing's Blog

The Connection Between Aromatherapy and Massage

June 2nd, 2014 • Posted by Enlightened Earth Healing • Permalink

Have you ever wondered why the smell of lavender is calming? Or why scents like eucalyptus are used as a decongestant? Studies show smells have an important effect on the brain. Different smells invoke different reactions. It's one of the reasons why aromatherapy is incorporated into massage. Take a look why aromatherapy and massage go hand in hand.


Stress relief

The techniques a therapist uses to manipulate your body are meant to relieve stress, but aromatherapy kicks the stress relief up a notch. A lot of massage therapists use essential oils infused with lavender, chamomile or geranium to induce an even deeper state of relaxation.

Improving emotions

When you're getting a massage and you take in the scent of chamomile, your limbic system kicks into high gear. Your limbic system is responsible for emotions and hormones. Studies show the right scent can alter your emotions, in a good way.

Creating a welcoming environment

For many clients, a massage offers a deep state of relaxation. We go to great lengths to create a warm environment. From soothing colors on the walls to calming music, every aspect is taken into account. The addition of aromatherapy is just another way to create a welcoming environment.

To learn more about aromatherapy, ask us and we can chat with you about the benefits.

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